Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy (Belated) Halloween!

My dad showed this to me a few years ago. It's a pretty cool Halloween video - creepy, but cool. Be sure to read the intro BEFORE you watch the video. If you don't, the video can be a little confusing. Have fun!
NOTE: You may have to scroll down or else you'll spend a long time looking for the link to the video.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Crazy Elmo!

You guys are going to LOVE this. I'm in my high school's marching band, and we go to band camp every year (it's not as geeky as it sounds). The junior girls made this video with an Elmo doll. One girl screams into a pillow as another opens Elmo's mouth. The result.... (you may want to turn your volume WAY up for this).

Treasure Hunters

Hey, check this out! This picture was taken in June of 2009. This is a picture of me (left) and my sister (right) with a geocache we found in a park close to our house. You're probably thinking, "What in the world is a geocache?". Basically, my sister and I are geocachers, which means that we take a GPS, plug in some coordinates found online, and go. When we get there, we start looking for a geocache, which is a small container that holds a logbook and possibly a bunch of random trinkets. You can learn all about it at (this is also where you get the coordinates). I encourage you to try it, it's a lot of fun!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm on Blogger!

Awesometasticness! I finally figured this out. I'm on here for my science class but will probably be using this for other reasons as well...